Welcome to Frangipani Creative Blog

This blog will be updated regularly with new samples of our work, general news about our studio, and links or comments about interesting things that we see/hear in the creative industries. Your comments are always welcome. Please visit our website www.frangipanicreative.com to see our full portfolio. Enjoy....


Latest Projects

Here are images from the latest shoot that we have completed for Bird Textiles.

We have been working with Bird for several seasons, and each time we try to come up with a very different concept, that is still focused around the abstract theme of sustainability in design.

The concept in this case, was based on the idea of the utopian world we would be living in, if the world converted to sustainable living - like the Lothlorian of Lord of the Rings, or our own Nirvana... a total rebirth, almost equivalent to what we perceive to be heaven, after death... making us less 'human' in terms of our failings, and more in-tune with the natural world.

We have also updated the bird website, www.birdtextile.com, along with producing a new bird Look Book, which is the 5th in the series, all bound with hand-stitching by the client.

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