Welcome to Frangipani Creative Blog

This blog will be updated regularly with new samples of our work, general news about our studio, and links or comments about interesting things that we see/hear in the creative industries. Your comments are always welcome. Please visit our website www.frangipanicreative.com to see our full portfolio. Enjoy....


Some Awards!

www.cleverdesign.com.au - animated website
Nominated in the 'Best Website' Desktop Create Awards Client: Clever Design Architects

www.shannonfricke.com - animated website
Nominated in the 'Best Website' Desktop Create Awards Client: Shannon Fricke

1st Runner-up 'Best Commercial Photography' Desktop Create Awards Client: Bird Textiles

I've just returned from an awards ceremony in Melbourne, for the National Desktop Create Awards, where I picked up 1st runner-up in the 'Best Commercial Photography' section, for the image above, along with 2 nominations in 'Best Website Design' and a nomination in 'Best Packaging Design'.

Then this week I found out that the image that I entered to the prestigous Fairfax 'Shoot the Chef' competition is a finalist. The overall winner is being announced at the opening to the Sydney Good Food month on Sept 22 & all 8 finalists will be exhibited in the State gallery for the month of October. Wish me luck! The concept is based on a parody of the image in the movie 'Australian Beauty' where the actress is lying on a bed of petals.

Shoot the Chef Entry - starring Dave Ferguson of Fishmongers Byron Bay.

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